So last week I talked about 5 books that have helped me grow professionally. This week I want to look at 5 influential books that have helped me grow personally and professionally.
Hero on a Mission
This is a different book by Donald Miller, where he helps you think about the legacy you want to leave behind. ‘Your Best Year Ever’ and ‘Hero on a Mission’ are in some ways two sides of the same coin. What I love about this particularly is how Donald looks at it less from a business point of view (which again, there is nothing wrong with) and more holistically as to how you want to live your life. Both this and Hyatt’s book are great companion’s in my opinion.
Pitch Perfect
I have always enjoyed speaking, and when I was in sales for a time this really helped me with my presence. Bill does a great job of helping you think about how you talk, stand and appear to people so you can make sure to keep their attention and also know how best to respond. This is a great book for anyone looking to get better at speaking of any kind.
Made to Stick
Written by Chip and Dan, they take years of research and teaching and distill it down to 6 principles that spell out SUCCESs (you have to read to find out why 1 s is not capitalized). This book really helped prepare me for marketin
Never Split the Difference
Chris Voss was an FBI lead negotiator. He takes those principles he learned as a negotiator to business and how to get the best out of negotiations and how to best handle and approach them. This book is great in helping you think through how to talk to people about tough things and how to do it calmly and with your head on straight. Riveting book filled with stories and applications. Highly recommend.
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Lastly, the book that opened my eyes to finances, entrepreneurship and money in general. I cannot overstate the importance this book has had on my thinking about money in general. I really enjoyed how Robert talked about money freely and how to manage and think about wealth. Classic book for a reason.
So there you have it, 5 influential books that have helped me not just professionally but also personally. I approached these books from a business perspective, but I left with a personal growth mindset as well. Each one of these books, like the other 5 I discussed last week are valuable books that I would highly recommend be in your collection of books to read. While you will gain a lot from these from a business perspective, I would encourage you to not miss out on the personal growth you can get from these titles as well.